Cures For Discolored Skin | Skin Blemishes

How to get rid of blemishes, discoloration, pigments?

Blemishes, discolored skin, and hyperpigmented skin are not necessarily the same things. A blemish is really any abnormality that prevents your skin from appearing clear and even colored. This can be a pimple, a pimple scar, a blackhead, or an unexplained dark spot, and in fact one person may use the word "blemish" to mean complete different things from another person. Discoloration too can be used to refer to a lot of different things, but is basically, as the word indicates, any abnormal coloration of the skin. Pimples often leave behind dark spots, fungal infections often cause patches of abnormally colored skin, and there are a number of other problems that can cause skin color to change abnormally. Finally, hyperpigmentation is when skin has unusually high levels of the pigment melanin. Normally, this does not include a tan, which is a normal phenomenon that occurs when skin is exposed to sunlight. Hyperpigmentation is generally used in connection with problems such as the dark marks left behind by pimples, the dark patches known as smoker's melanosis, and linea nigra, a dark line that appears on the abdomen of women during pregnancy.

You have not provided much information regarding the actual problems that you are suffering from - as you can see, blemishes, discoloration, and hyperpigmentation can include a number of problems. However, if you really have all these problems, it is quite likely that your skin care leaves much to be desired. First of all, you need to address any dietary problems - ensure that your diet is healthy and balanced, so that you get all the nutrients necessary for your skin. There is no special food for the skin, but fruits and vegetables are important, and consumption of junk food, alcohol, and caffeine should be limited. You should also drink plenty of water - at least 8 glasses a day, and possibly more depending on the weather and your level of physical activity. Daily exercise is also essential, as it keeps both your body and your skin healthy.

Coming to direct skin care, hygiene is of course important, but you should avoid using soap too often, and whenever soap is necessary, ensure that it is a mild soap. Regular exfoliation is also important, and you can use either a commercial face scrub or a home made paste such as a mixture of honey, rice flour, and sandalwood powder. You may also need to moisturize your skin regularly, depending on your skin type and the environment. Excessive sunlight can damage your skin, so you should keep your skin covered during the day whenever possible, and use a sunscreen when you know that you are going to be exposed to direct sunlight.

answered by G M

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