I am 21 yrs of age(F). My problem is I have hair on the face. I have never used any kind of bleach. Also i very occasionally apply some creams on my face. If you could let me know a home remedy

Rest assured, yours is a common complaint among many women. It may seem like an embarrassing problem and can affect your confidence and self-esteem but the removal of unwanted facial hair for women is not that difficult. If the hair on your face is soft and downy, then it needs to be treated cosmetically. In cases where the facial hair is coarse and excessive, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance or an underlying condition such as a reaction to certain medications. In such situations, medical treatment may be necessary to remove facial hair.

If you are averse to cosmetic treatments such as electrolysis or waxing, here are some natural home remedies you can try to remove or reduce the appearance of unsightly facial hair:

  • Make a face scrub with 30gms of sugar mixed with a little bit of fresh lemon juice and water. Apply the scrub to the face and rub into the skin in the direction of the hair growth. Leave the mix on the face for 15 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. The sugar acts as a natural exfoliating agent and removes excess facial hair while the astringent properties of the lemon juice helps reduce hair growth.
  • A natural face wash to remove facial hair is a blend of 10ml lemon juice and 40ml honey. Rub this mix in the direction of the hair growth and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing. Try this remedy twice a week for two weeks for the best results.
  • Make a thick paste of 1 tsp sugar, ½ tablespoon corn flour and 1 whole egg. Apply this paste to the face and rub gently in the direction of hair growth. Let the paste dry, which it should in a few minutes and then carefully peel the mask off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Repeat this process up to four times a week for tighter, lighter and less hairy skin.
  • To make an easy natural face mask simply mix 30gms of chickpea flour with 10ml of lemon juice and 150ml of water. This will make a thick sticky paste that you then apply to the face. Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes before washing off. Always rub the mask into the skin in the direction to reduce hair growth.

Do a patch test on the skin of your arm before applying any mask or cream to your face. If there is no allergic reaction, you can go ahead with the remedy as instructed.

answered by A S

I suggest either threading or bleaching for facial hair. We have a recipe for natural home-made bleach so you need not worry about using commercial bleaches.

answered by P P

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