My question is? If the girl have a urinary tract infection? Then she blow job my cock there is possible that I becoming infected?

Urinary tract infections are quite a common phenomenon; in fact as per statistics, about twelve percent of men and forty percent of women are known to get this kind of an infection at some point in their lives. A UTI is an infection that involves the urethra, bladder and the ureters; these are all the structures through which the urine passes, before it is flushed out from the body. A UTI generally starts at the entrance of the urethra. This is the part where the urine is let out from the body. Once the bacteria gains access to the urethra, it begins to grow. It then gradually moves up into the urinary tract. Some of the symptoms of this condition are a frequent need to urinate, presence of blood in the urine, pain while urinating, backache, nausea, vomiting and fever. A UTI if ignored can have detrimental effects, particularly if it spreads to the kidneys.

This kind of an infection is not contagious and it cannot be transmitted from one person to another through physical contact. This is because the condition is caused when bacteria enters the opening of the urethra. If a person who has an UTI performs oral sex on you, there is no possibility of you contracting the infection. However, if oral sex is performed on a person that already has a UTI the chances of the infection getting worse are high. Additionally, it has been noted that women who receive oral sex are more susceptible to contracting a UTI as compared to women who never or rarely receive oral sex. Furthermore, do not indulge in sexual intercourse, till your girlfriend gets the infection treated and cured, as this will only worsen the situation.

In the meanwhile here are a few home remedies that she could try out in order to treat the infection. Cranberry juice is known to be an excellent remedy for this condition as it stops the bacteria from settling down in the bladder. Additionally, being a diuretic it will help in flushing out the kidneys as well.  Drinking 2-3 glasses of the juice daily will prove to be beneficial. Water plays a vital role when it comes to fighting a urinary tract infection. A minimum of 8-10 glasses of water should be consumed on a daily basis. This will help in flushing the kidneys too, thus getting rid of the bacteria from the body. Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as they are known to aggravate the situation.

answered by G M

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