Exposed Tooth Nerve: What can be done to ease the pain from an exposed tooth nerve

An exposed tooth nerve is usually the result of a broken tooth. This is not a minor problem, and requires proper treatment from a dentist. Usually, this involves what is known as a root canal – a rather complex procedure in which the root, nerve, and other tissues in the affected tooth are removed. This is usually the only effective way to solve such a problem. Home remedies for broken teeth and exposed nerves rarely give you permanent success. These usually only provide temporary relief from the pain, and should only be used if for some reason you are unable to visit a dentist at the moment. If the problem is not properly attended to soon enough, the exposed tissue can become infected, and the infection can get worse even without you knowing it. Sometimes the pain itself might disappear after a few days, but the infection might still be present, or could even take hold later.

Although most people are terrified of undergoing a root canal, the procedure today is not as painful and traumatic as it used to be. It is of course still not a minor procedure, but today the pain can be controlled quite effectively. You should also remember that you will probably need to do a root canal on the affected tooth at some point of time. If the infection becomes bad enough to form an abscess, the procedure will be more complex, and controlling the pain will also be more difficult. It is therefore better to get it over with right away, instead of waiting and suffering through the pain once again.

Over the next few days, you can use some simple home remedies to ease the pain. Clove oil is one such remedy, and it is usually extremely effective. However, it should not be overused due to its toxicity. One or two applications of clove oil a day should be enough, and even this should be discontinued after two or three days. The best way to apply the oil is with a piece of cotton, either placed directly on the tooth or used to swab the tooth and gum. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water is also quite an effective remedy for a tooth ache, and is certainly much safer. Some people also find that chewing on a piece of ice provides great relief, as it numbs the nerves. However, be warned that the cold temperature sometimes causes an almost unbearable, shooting pain.

answered by G M

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