How I remedy on swelling in teeth

The swelling that you are referring to is probably in your gums. The most probable cause is an infection of the gums, which can cause the gums to swell and become painful. Chances are that your condition started with a toothache, with moderate to severe pain while biting down. This happens when a cavity exposes the tooth pulp, which is the inner core of the tooth, containing all the blood vessels and nerves. If the pain and swelling persist for more than a day, it is advisable to visit a dentist immediately for an examination. This is especially important since the exposed tooth pulp can decay and "die" in around 12 hours, after which the pain reduces and you may feel better. However, chances are high that the damaged pulp has been infected, leading to gum disease, or gingivitis. If there is any unpleasant odor or if you notice any discharge from the gums, you should see a dentist immediately. These symptoms can mean there is advanced gum disease or a secondary bacterial infection. In the most serious cases, such an infection can spread to the jaw bone, requiring surgery for complete tooth extraction.

However, there are several home remedies that can offer some relief during these painful hours. For swollen gums, you can rub an over-the-counter ointment directly on the affected area for pain relief. Many people also report relief by simply rubbing the area with a clean finger. Clove oil is also very effective in numbing the area, but overuse can cause a burning sensation. Try rinsing with warm salt water, which can help to flush out any food particles or other irritants that are irritating the affected region. Swollen gums also respond well to a cold compress.

Use an ice cube to rub the tender area inside the mouth. If there is any external swelling, apply a cold compress, such as a bag of ice or frozen peas, over the affected jaw line to get relief from the pain. In case you have a cavity that is very sensitive to temperature changes, such as air or beverages, you can use sugarless gum to plug up the cavity until you've reached the dentist. Avoid eating any difficult to chew foods and drink only room temperature liquids until you see the dentist. Some people use alcohol to numb the pain, but the starch in alcohol can make matters worse by encouraging fungal infections.

answered by G M

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