A hollow sound or feeling of emptiness in the head that causes miniscule sounds to echo in the head could probably be caused by an infection of the ear, nose or throat that leads to a blockage of any of the passages that connect these sections of the body. Nose and throat infections are the primary cause of infections of the ear. These infections could cause a slight inability to hear correctly, or alternately, sensations of extremely sensitive hearing. At times, a pressure build up in the ears will cause one to feel hollow in the head and lead to an echoing of sound emitted by the person himself.
In order to relieve yourself from a hollow feeling that fills your head due to pressure buildup, yawning is known to help in opening the vacuum that fills the ears. In the event that you have an ear nose or throat infection, the consumption of warm soups and broths would help to clear the infection. Eating wholesome meals is also recommended because of the important nutrition that is made available to help battle infections of the ear nose and throat. Ginger is an excellent antimicrobial agent and must be added to warm tea, to help clear out any infection that may be present in the throat. Ginger oil when used in the ears has a similar effect and will clear out infection from the respective area.
Warm water can be put into the ears to help melt down the wax that forms in the ear canal and leads to infection of the ears. Plugged ear canals also pose some amount of difficulty in hearing and can cause your head to feel hollow. Garlic is known to be beneficial in its anti inflammatory properties and must be added to the regular diet to reduce any inflammation of the glands that may be caused by an ear nose or throat infection. Vitamin C helps to boost up the immune system and fight off any infections that may be experienced by the body. Fresh fruits and vegetables are well known for their Vitamin C content, and should be added to the diet in order to help get rid of infections that may cause a hollow feeling of the head. In order to prevent ear infections from causing complications and discomfort, it is advisable that the ears be kept as dry and clean as possible. An ENT specialist should be visited regularly for routine checks on the ears, nose and throat to keep them healthy and from causing severe medical problems.
answered by G M