Can you please tell me what is the cause of itchy palms, is it due to dryness or am I actually going to receive, give money? Please advise.

Itchy palms may be held as a sign of money coming one's way according to the old age, but in reality it is not something one should really look forward to. This condition results usually due to excessive sweating of the body. Sweating is a way by which the body eliminates excess heat. However, in some individuals the sweating may become excessive. This is a condition known as hyperhidrosis in which the sweat glands of the body are affected. As a result the areas of the hands, underarms and feet start sweating excessively. This can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, especially in social situations. The condition may not pose any serious concerns, but in certain instances it is advisable to undergo a medical examination. These instances include night sweats, sweating that becomes more excessive that normal and adverse effect on daily functioning due to discomfort in the affected areas of the body.

dry skin may also be a cause for itchy palms. Dryness of the skin results in scaling and peeling of the skin. The skin becomes taut and irritated, resulting in itching. Contact dermatitis may also result in itching of the palms. This occurs when the skin has an allergic reaction to a substance that it comes in contact with. These substances include detergents, soap, cosmetics or jewelry. Allergic reactions to certain medications such as sulfa could also result in itching of the skin. Bacterial or fungal infections of the skin are another cause of itchy palms.

Itching of the palms could be alleviated by applying a solution of 3 parts baking soda mixed with 1 part water. This remedy can be used only if the skin is not bruised or broken. Soaking the hands in a warm bath to which a cup of ground oatmeal has been added is also effective in treating itchy skin. Lemon is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and application of lemon juice to itchy skin provides a great deal of relief. Aloe vera gel is another soothing and effective remedy for itchy palms. You can also try rinsing your hands with a tea made with basil. Add a few basil leaves to boiling water and allow it to stand for a few minutes. You can then wash the hands with this or even dip a wash cloth in the solution and apply to the itchy areas. Petroleum jelly is also effective in easing itching of the skin.

answered by M W

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