What are internal anal warts

In the first place, one has to determine whether the condition present truly is internal anal warts or if it is something similar. The condition of anal warts may be observed not only inside the anus but also on the surrounding area. There is a possibility that this condition may also be seen in one’s genital region. Such warts are typically passed on via sexual intercourse although there are other risk factors like oral contraceptive use. Do let a doctor first properly diagnose this condition since there are a number of problems which can be mistaken for anal warts. For instance, hemorrhoids can cause sores which may be found inside and around the anal region. A doctor would be able to give you a better understanding of anal warts. In general these appear to be simple minor growths or just spots when you first notice them. Later on, growth could take place causing them to considerably increase in size. However, anal warts are not typically linked to pain. Since no discomfort is observed, the person suffering from anal warts is usually completely ignorant about the condition. However, there is a possibility that such warts might produce some symptoms. For instance, there could be bleeding along with itching. There could also be discharge from the region which is mucus and the possibility of actually feeling that mass. If you observe any such symptoms or think that you have anal warts, it is important to get in touch with your doctor. As with any wart, you would not want to poke the area or scratch it. One should not apply over-the-counter products which are meant to treat general warts, to anal warts. Talk to your doctor about any anal wart medication that would be advisable in your case. While surgical removal as well as electrical cautery are two options, multiple treatments are likely since recurrence of such warts is common. The problem is that internal anal warts typically cannot be attended to with topical medication. Do discuss the options with your doctor and talk about the necessity of repeated treatment. The use of condoms can greatly help when trying to prevent a recurrence of anal warts. At the same time, abstinence would be a lot better when trying to steer clear of such a recurrence. Remember that warts have been known to spread so it is important to seek help for those anal warts before trying anything at home.

answered by M W

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