How do you cure vitiligo and pityriasis alba?


Vitiligo is a disease in which patients have a complete loss of pigment in specific areas of the skin, most often around the mouth and eyes. It is an autoimmune disorder. The affected areas are more vulnerable to sun damage than normal skin. Celery seems to be beneficial, as it contains psoralens, a compound that increases the skin's natural reaction to sunlight. Research also proves that supplementation of vitamin B12, vitamin C, and folic acid is beneficial.

For more information, visit, and

Pityriasis alba

Pityriasis alba is a common skin disorder similar to very mild eczema, causing round/oval, colorless, finely scaled patches of skin around the cheeks. Topical application of 1% hydrocortisone is beneficial, under the guidance of your physician.

For more information on eczema, visit,

answered by r k

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