What do i use at home to get rid of the scars?

Scars and scabs resulting from boils or skin eruptions tend to leave a lasting mark, especially on the face. These scars can be quite a social embarrassment if they do not fade in time. Fortunately, there are a wide number of home treatments and regular therapies to treat acne scar marks or scabs. One of the most important things to do is to prevent the touching or peeling off of the scars that has formed over the dried boil. In most cases doing so can only add to the complication of developing a secondary infection that can make matters even worse and may cause lifetime scarring.

In most normal cases a scar that has been caused due to a boil heals rapidly if left by itself. In order to help the healing process, you can try applying warm compresses on the affected area several times in a day. A clean cloth dipped in warm water can be lightly pressed directly over the scar; however please remember not to use that particular cloth for any other activity and must be washed thoroughly in order to prevent the spread of infection and bacteria. Dermatologists believe that keeping the scab soft that has been formed over the boil helps in reducing scar formation. Petroleum jelly is believed to be good in softening the scab and reducing the dryness and itchiness surrounding the scar while also working as a good moisturizer. Some folk therapists also believe that honey works as a good moisturizer and can be used as an alternative to petroleum jelly. Honey helps in aiding the healing process due to its sterilizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey also works as a natural antibacterial and helps in preventing the formation of scars while lifting the dead material that forms the scabs from the surface of the skin.

It is important to resist the temptation to pick out or squeeze the scab in order to reduce the scarring caused from the scabs. Keep your hands and fingernails off the affected area for as long as possible until the scar has disappeared. Some non-prescription medications or local applications may help in healing the scab, but before you do so, remember to take a look carefully at the list of ingredients used in the product to prevent allergic reactions. It is important to follow the directions closely when using non-prescription products, as you might be hypersensitive to any particular ingredient in the application and without knowing it may cause even further damage to the skin.

answered by G M

The best way to soften scars is to apply castor oil at least daily on the scar for over two weeks.

answered by K S N L

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