I have a sister who is constantly suffering from itchy vagina. We have done series of tests like sugar and HIV which showed negative results. Could you please help with some home remedies?

Vaginal itching can come from something as simple as trapping bacteria for too long under too many layers of too-tight clothes, allergy to a chemical in soap, deodorant or dye or bacterial vaginitis to yeast.

  • Dissolve a half-cup table salt in a shallow tub of warm water. Insert your finger in the tub, then into your vagina to let the warm salt water in, remove your finger and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Two or three consecutive nights of salt baths should ease the itch.
  • Dip a cotton ball in yogurt and smear near the itchy area. Yoghurt contains lactobacillus bacteria which are also found in healthy vagina.
  • Mix boric powder in warm water and apply this paste to the infected part and let it dry, this will avoid itchiness.
  • Drink lots of fluid like water, juices, buttermilk, and keep yourself hydrated from within.
  • Wear comfortable fitting panties as it allows air for circulation. Keep your genitals clean. Consult a gynecologist if the problem persists.

answered by S P

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