Advice for cleaning of lungs

I am a smoker and it’s hard for me to quit smoking, so until quit how can I clean my lungs?

The most important thing to be considered during lung cleaning is your habit of smoking. Smoke contains harmful pollutants. It is difficult to quit a habit at one shot. But, try to reduce it at a slow pace.

Try these techniques to help you keep your lungs clean:

  • Damp carpets source a lot of pollutants. Clean them regularly and keep them dry. Area rugs are safer than full floor carpets, as they are easy to clean.
  • Use a dehumidifier  and exhaust fans to keep your living area dry.
  • Water tray in air conditioners can be a source of allergens and microbes.
  • Floor tiles must be carefully cleaned. If under repair, be careful, as they contain asbestos.
  • Vacuum clean your house, especially the beds, sofas regularly, as you spend majority time on them.
  • Pets may leave allergens like feather, hair etc. So, keep them outside.
  • Be careful, if your house hosts a fireplace. They release carbon monoxide.

answered by r k

Take 100 ml water. Let simmer on slow fire. add 5 grams Bhimsen Camphor to it. The steam which issues has camphor fume inside it. Inhale this steam for 5-10 minutes twice a day.

answered by S B

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