Side effects of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a painful condition in which the veins in the anal area are enlarged. The swelling of the veins may develop from two possible locations, on the basis of which hemorrhoids is classified. Internal hemorrhoids cause a swelling of veins, which is not visible and can not be felt unless very severe. Swelling of external veins on the other hand would give rise to external hemorrhoids which can be seen or even felt around the exteriors of the anus.

Treatment with pharmaceutical medications does pose the risk of reactions in some patients but there are plenty of natural alternatives. Failing to treat hemorrhoids effectively and promptly can result in the development of an infection. It also puts you at risk of developing anal fissures or an anorectal abscess. Neglecting a hemorrhoids condition can also cause you to lose the ability to maintain control over bowel movements. In many cases anemia may develop, particularly if there is bleeding.

There are many factors that could cause hemorrhoids, which is why the exact cause may not always be easily discernible. But the factors that do contribute to and cause the development of hemorrhoids would include chronic constipation and straining to pass stools, being seated or standing for prolonged periods, obesity and pregnancy, aging, rectal surgery, fiber deficient diet, liver damage, chronic diarrhea, colorectal cancer, alcoholism, anal intercourse, and persistent frequent sneezing or coughing. The single largest cause would be a low fiber diet in developed countries. This may also contribute to other causes like constipation. Dietary habits are therefore the main concern.

To avoid developing hemorrhoids or to prevent any worsening you need to follow certain practices.

  • Avoid being seated for extended periods.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water and other natural juices.
  • Make sure that your diet contains adequate fiber.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • If you are even a little overweight make it a point to shed the excess pounds.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or at the very least drink in moderation.

Hemorhoids can at times resolve without treatment, but you do need help coping with the pain and discomfort particularly with evacuation of the bowels. Regular bowel movements are crucial.

  • Hemorrhoidal creams and lotions can help relieve the pain.
  • Ice packs can also help significantly.
  • Soak yourself in a sitz bath or warm tub as often as you can daily.
  • Suppositories and natural laxatives like dates can help ease the passage of stools.

answered by S D

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