Diet for ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory condition that afflicts the large bowel, causing sores and ulcers to develop along the lining of the rectum and colon. This condition can afflict individuals of any age but is generally more prevalent among the age group of fifteen to thirty and less among those between fifty to seventy. The condition can also affect either gender, but is more likely to affect someone with a family history of the disease. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis would include diarrhea, bleeding, abdominal cramps, weight loss and fever.

Ulcerative colitis needs to be treated seriously and is a cause for concern as it can cause the development of other conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and liver disease. Extensive ulcerative colitis that lasts for years even puts you at risk of developing large bowel cancer. Ulcerative colitis therefore needs to be treated very seriously and you should continue to follow treatment plans as prescribed by your health care provider. Dietary measures however can help significantly, despite the fact that there is no specific ulcerative colitis diet plan.

Dietary changes are an important part of your treatment plan. Your physician will first of all need to determine the severity of your condition and a nutritionist can then evaluate your nutritional needs. Nutritional deficiencies and food tolerances can be determined and a diet recommended accordingly. A well balanced nutritionally complete diet is of the greatest importance and the patient may also need to receive supplements so as to avoid malnutrition.
  • It would be a good idea to begin with a fruit juice diet for at least the first five days. Juices like papaya and raw cabbage are recommended and may be diluted with water. Citrus juices are best avoided.
  • After this do not revert to common ‘two large meals’, but have small meals through the day. Begin with meals consisting of steamed vegetables and coarsely broken wheat or rice. Fruits that are well ripened, like banana and papaya may also be included. You can also add yogurt and cottage cheese to the diet.
  • You may gradually add to this diet with sprouts, whole meals bread, and raw vegetables.
  • Lean meats can be introduced into the diet gradually.
  • Continue to have fresh fruit juices and tender coconut water. Tender coconut water is extremely soothing.
  • Cooked apples would also be a great addition to the diet as their iron and phosphorus content helps promote recovery from ulcerative colitis conditions.

answered by S D

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