Are tomatoes not good for rheumatism?

The link between certain foods and the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is tenuous at the least. There is no scientific evidence to prove that foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, butter or beef have a detrimental effect on different types of arthritis. However, many doctors and experts do recommend avoiding certain foods that may cause inflammation and help decrease the pain associated with this debilitating disease.

Arthritis is a condition that results in swollen and painful joints. There are several different types of arthritis that exist such as osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis with millions of people in America alone suffering from the disease. Inspite of these escalating numbers, there is still no cure for arthritis. In lieu of a cure, doctors address the various symptoms of the disease and aim to control and reduce their intensity.

One way of reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis is by making changes to your daily diet. For example, if you tend to go heavy on the butter and fats while cooking and eating, it is recommended that you look for other healthier alternatives. According to the Arthritis Research Campaign too much butter or fat in your diet can lead to obesity. In turn, being obese puts an extra strain on your joints and can lead to an increase in pain and swelling.

Other foods that are believed to aggravate symptoms of arthritis include beef, desserts and candy. Many people suggest following a completely vegetarian diet if you suffer from arthritis as beef may increase inflammation and pain in the joints. Too much candy and desserts on the other hand contain no nutritive value and only contribute towards weight gain.

With reference to tomatoes, experts believe that this member of the nightshade plant group may be a trigger for pain and joint inflammation. Though high in nutrients and vitamins, people who suffer from arthritis may be better off by replacing tomatoes in their diet with other fruits and vegetables such as beans, spinach, apples and pears.

If you suspect that certain foods may be aggravating your symptoms, it would be best to maintain a food diary over a period of a few weeks or months. When you write down everything you eat and drink, it becomes easier to relate an escalation of symptoms to a particular cause.

When it comes to improving your health or treating any disease, it is always best to follow a plant-based diet that is heavy on fresh fruit and vegetables. Include whole grains, nuts, seeds and oily fish to help build immunity and reduce symptoms such as stiffness of the joints, tiredness and pain.

answered by G M

It is a common myth, in rheumatism to exclude tomatoes from your diet, as some believe that tomatoes are acid forming. On the contrary tomatoes are alkaline forming when they enter your bloodstream and neutralize the acid compounds in the blood.

Combine tomatoes with other foods and juices like carrot juice, beet juice, to avoid too strong reactions in your body, at the same time getting vital nutrients from the same.

answered by S P

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