Numbness in little finger

Respected Si, I am having numbness since 3 months in the little finger of hand and the part of palm below the little finger. This happens during sleep no matter day or night sleep, and gets better by simple hand changed position

Numbness in the finger is an early symptom of cubital tunnel syndrome. The ulnar nerve is affection in this condition which starts from the side of the neck and runs through a passage known as cubital tunnel. This nerve is responsible for the sense of feeling and control of small muscles in hands. This numbness can be due to wrong posture of your elbow while sleeping or repetitive movements of your arms and hands which involves bending of your elbows, which can cause the nerve to get pinched at a particular point.

  • Wear an elbow pad while sleeping to limit its movement in sleep.
  • Avoid putting any extra pressure or strain on your elbows.
  • Limit activities which involve lot of bending in the elbow.

If the problem persists accompanied by pain then consult a specialist.

answered by S P

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