I need a natural remedy for a knee spur?

Bone spurs are not a particularly uncommon problem, particularly among the aged. Bone spurs almost always tend to develop in joints if affected by degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis. The knee consists of three bones and stability and proper functioning of this mechanism depends upon or is stabilized by the ligaments, muscles and tendons in the region. As the cartilage covering gets worn out with degenerative joint conditions bone spurs tend to develop.

Bone spurs therefore tend to develop in response to the loss as an attempt to cover up the loss done by osteoarthritis by breaking down the cartilage in bone joints. The bones or joints start to create osteophytes, which are bone spurs, along the affected bones. This happens in an effort to provide more joint surface. Bone spurs usually do not cause any visible symptoms by themselves but may be associated with inflammation or irritation to nearby tendons and ligaments. Bone spurs can also be symptomatic of diseases like spondylosis, plantar fasciitis, or spinal stenosis. Lifestyle factors also do have an influence over the development of bone spurs such as injuries or trauma from accidents or sports or even nutritional deficiencies or physical activity levels.

If there is pain and discomfort resulting from the bone spurs then treatment can be directed at the causes, symptoms and the condition itself.

Treatment that is directed towards the causes would include physical therapy, deep tissue massages, stretching and weight loss programs, as there is an attempt to minimize and reduce stress on the joints that have been affected.

Symptomatic treatment would include adequate rest, the application of ice or compresses, stretching exercises and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In severe cases where treatment of the causes and symptoms is not effective enough and the condition therefore becomes debilitating or excruciatingly painful it could require surgery.

One alternate therapy that is particularly noteworthy is yoga. The wide range of motions in yoga and the wide focus of activities in a yoga session can significantly help prevent degeneration of the tissues and joint anomalies. Yoga has been found to be very effective in combating and overcoming degenerative joint diseases and can therefore help significantly. The popular notions of yoga may make the discipline seem daunting to anyone with debilitating conditions, but the discipline is very accommodating and flexible allowing for modifications based on personal capacity and mobility. Specialized yoga sessions can help significantly.

In addition there are benefits from other alternative disciplines like massage therapy, acupressure and acupuncture. These disciplines can be used in combination with conventional treatment to facilitate healing and achieve normalcy.

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