If blood in your poo is light red what can that mean

Light red blood generally signifies that the blood is coming from a tear or abrasion within the anal cavity itself. The most common causes for blood in the stools are anal fissures and hemorrhoids. It is important to visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Hemorrhoids are commonly known as piles. This condition is caused by a significant inflammation of the veins in the rectum. These appear as thick swollen tissue and can either be internal – where they are not visible or external – wherein they protrude from the anus. Protruding piles can be very uncomfortable and depending on the severity of the condition, they can also be very painful. Internal hemorrhoids on the other hand, are painless and often go unnoticed. One of the main symptoms of this condition is bright red blood in the stools. Since you have not mentioned any pain or discomfort, it is more likely that you are suffering from internal hemorrhoids and not external hemorrhoids. In some cases, if internal hemorrhoids are left untreated, they can result in external hemorrhoids.

In order to treat hemorrhoids, the individual needs to change his/ her diet. A diet that is rich in fiber is essential as this helps to provide bulk to the stools as well as helps to soften it. This in turn reduces the pressure on the anal walls and allows the hemorrhoids to recede. Psyllium husk is made up of water soluble fiber and is rich in mucilage. This mucilage helps to lubricate the stools so that they move through the intestines and out of the body effortlessly. In most cases, the recommended amount is about one teaspoon of the husk mixed in a glass of water. Witch hazel is often used as a topical application to reduce the pain and swelling.

Anal fissures are tears in the anal canal wall and are often caused by constipation and excessively hard and dry stools. To treat this condition, the patient is generally advised to undertake several dietary measures to get rid of constipation which is the root cause of the fissure. It is also important to avoid straining while defecating. Since the anal fissures are open wounds, it is important to clean the area well to prevent infection. Including fruits and vegetables in your diet will help to get rid of this problem. A topical cream can be made by mixing a few drops each of jojoba oil, virgin coconut oil and wheat germ oil. This topical application can be used daily as it will help to heal the fissure as well as soften the skin and prevent the skin from splitting further.

answered by S D

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