Home remedies for underweight toddlers

It is not uncommon for a baby’s weight to vary as he/she grows. However it is very important that your daughter follows a healthy diet plan and that she receives adequate nutrition on a daily basis. It is important to realize that as a baby grows, their nutritional requirement changes and they not only need more food than earlier but the increase is not uniform over all food types. This means that a baby does not just need more of everything, but more of certain foods to be truly healthy. This selective increase is due to the baby’s growth as well as their physical activity levels.
Milk is essential for children as it is packed with much needed nutrition. However, whole milk also contains fats which are necessary for an infant up to two years of age. After this, you can introduce your child to milk that has only a low percentage of fat. Do not opt for fat-free milk as the fats present in milk are important for brain development. Milk also helps to provide the baby with vitamin D and calcium. Iron deficiency is a very common problem in infants and toddlers. This deficiency can severely affect overall development. You can give your daughter iron-fortified cereal with milk every morning as this will take care of both these requirements. The USDA recommends about 3 ounces for 2-3 year olds and this would mean approximately ½ a cup of oatmeal and 2 slices of wholegrain bread.

Main meals for a two year old should consist of vegetables which provide vitamins and minerals as well as protein-rich foods such as ¼ cup cooked dry beans, a little fish or poultry, or an egg. You can also include a few nuts but be cautious the first time you do so as your child could be allergic to nuts. Nuts contain healthy oils, nutrients and minerals, and help to eliminate weight problems.

Healthy snacks are a necessity and fruits can be an ideal option. Children around the age of two crave sweet foods. Instead of trying to eliminate this craving, you can appease it by giving your child fresh sweet fruits like melons, apples, peaches and pears. You can also add small pieces of fruits and raisins to a bland porridge to increase its palatability.  

In addition to a modified diet plan, you will also have to follow a few simple eating habits. Make sure that you give your child her meals at the same time everyday as this would help to form a regular eating pattern. Encourage your child to sit down in one place for her meals as distractions will actually make her eat less food. Do not scold her or force her to eat her food but instead make sure that you praise her when she has been exceptionally good as this is more likely to produce lasting results.

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