I broke out in a very itchy rash on arms and chest what could it be?

Suddenly breaking out into a severe rash could be one of the foremost indicators of a very intense allergy to some object or substance that you have either come in close contact with or consumed just before the reaction. If you appear to break out into the rash on a regular basis, you would do well to pay attention to the foods or substances you come in contact with that seem to trigger the reaction. Some allergies tend to be more severe than others, with the milder ones only causing a small amount of irritation while the more severe ones could have quite a debilitating effect on your daily schedule. However, skin allergies are not uncommon, affecting almost one in every three individuals, and can be treated in a number of ways . However, avoiding the root allergen is the best way to avoid a reaction. It is important to remember that an allergy is said to be present only when an abnormal reaction occurs when you come in contact with a normally harmless substance. The most common effects of an allergic reaction include a runny nose, eyes, congested lungs and a rash on the skin, as in your case.

Because of the fact that allergies are a very common occurrence, there are a number of different treatment options available. However, each treatment option is subject to the type of allergen as well as the part of the body that is affected. However, protecting your immune system will go a long way in preventing the manifestation of a number of allergies. You can do so by increasing your intake of essential vitamins like B5 or pantothenic acid in order to provide quick relief. A daily intake of around 400 mg of vitamin E for a period of four to six weeks will also help significantly. Mix five drops of castor oil in half a cup of fresh fruit or vegetable juice. This should be consumed on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up. This home remedy is especially beneficial when it comes to treating allergic reactions that result in a skin rash or affect the nasal passages and intestinal tract. Stress plays a very important role in causing and aggravating the condition and should be controlled at all times. Using relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation is known to be very beneficial.

answered by G M

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