I get a lot of flatulence trapped under my shoulder blades in my back. Can anyone suggest a remedy for this.

Flatulence is a very common problem, and in many cases, severe flatulence can be accompanied by pain. This pain is sometimes felt in unusual areas, such as the back, chest and shoulders. However, this  does not mean that the flatulence itself is in these areas. Flatulence is actually gas in the digestive tract, or rather; strictly speaking, it refers to the release of this gas from the rectum, than to the gas itself. The gas is known as “flatus”, although this term is rarely used. While in the digestive tract, flatus can cause mild to severe discomfort, and sometimes could also cause pain in certain areas. The gas of course cannot leave the digestive tract except through the rectum, but sometimes, in a phenomenon known as referred pain, the gas may cause a sensation of pain in areas away from the digestive tract.

The first thing you need to do to get rid of flatulence is to examine your diet. Flatus is composed of gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. Most of these gases are odorless, and the unpleasant smell of flatulence is usually caused by compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide. Contrary to what some people may tell you, both the gas and the smell have nothing to do with consumption of meat and meat products. In fact, plant foods that are high in certain sugars are the main culprits. Beans are a widely recognized cause of flatulence, and in addition, onions, garlic, potatoes, oats, and most breads can contribute to the problem. Vegetables that are described as “cruciferous” - cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli also increase flatulence and the odor of the flatulence. In some people, milk and milk products can also cause flatulence – this usually happens if the person is allergic to milk or is lactose intolerant.

Since a number of the foods that cause flatulence are extremely nutritious and necessary for a healthy diet, cutting them out is certainly not recommended. However, you should consider whether you have a tendency to consume too much of any of these foods at a single sitting. A varied, balanced diet is very important from every health perspective, and flatulence is no different. You should also try using more of spices like cumin, coriander, and asafoetida, as they reduce both flatulence and odor. As long as you are not lactose intolerant, probiotic yogurt might also help greatly if taken with meals. You could also try sipping on small amounts of lemon juice or vinegar during your meal.

answered by G M

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