Treatment of fungal infection on head surface and facial hair

From the description that you have given, there is a possibility that you might be suffering from a fungal infection called tinea. This type of fungal infection affects the hair growing regions such as the scalp, beard, moustache and the eyelashes. According to the area affected this infection is classified into tinea capitis, tinea barbae, tinea corporis, tinea pedis and tinea cruris. It is the infection of the scalp, beard, trunk, feet and groin. The one you might be suffering from can be tinea capitis and tinea barbae. These infections are caused by a fungus called dermatophytes. This infection of the scalp is usually seen amongst children. The infection of the beard is also called as barber’s itch. The fungi infect the keratin which is one of the biggest reasons behind most types of fungal infections. The fungus affects the skin because it not only infests the hair but also the hair follicles. Hot and humid climates are breeding ground for these fungi. Hence if one resides in such climatic conditions, that person is more likely to get infected.

Some of the common symptoms of this infection are inflammation, bald spots, redness, itching, rashes, blisters, red patches and round scaly lesions. It can also aggravate and cause pus filled lesions which are known as kerion. There is no evidence which shows that home remedies can treat tinea capitis or tinea barbae. Some of the known home remedies for fungal infections of such type are the use of shea butter, shikakai which is an Indian herb and other herbs. Shea butter is said to reduce the symptoms of the infection. It works as a natural moisturizer. Applying shea butter can help. Another home remedy is apple cider vinegar. Applying apple cider vinegar on the affected area can help relieve the itchy sensation. Another simple home remedy is using a cool milk compress on the blisters.

An Indian herb called Shikakai is said to be very effective. It is made from a shrub known as acacia concinna. Use the powder of this herb for shampooing hair. One must remember that there is no evidence which can prove the effectiveness of these home remedies. Most of the remedies can be effective in reducing symptoms or relieving the itchiness, but it might not necessarily cure the infection. One must consult a dermatologist for perfect diagnosis and treatment. Topical treatments given by the doctor can easily cure this condition.

answered by G M

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