There is black spot on my both side on face. After doing pixel by local doctor it expanded more. Please suggest good treatment in India.

Skin, especially that of the face, is given primary importance in today’s society because of its aesthetic value. It is however, easy to forget that the condition of the skin can actually be used to gauge the overall condition of a person’s health and is often used as a barometer to gauge the same. Vibrant and glowing skin is a great reflection of good body care and nutrition. Noticing a few dark spots develop on the face could indicate the presence of an internal disorder such as a malfunctioning endocrine gland or liver. However, in most cases, the development of dark spots on the face is the result of overexposure of the skin to the harmful ultra violet rays emitted by the sun. These ultra violet rays cause immense destruction to the skin and are the main culprits for the occurrence of medical problems such as skin cancer and skin cell augmentation. In an effort to combat these disastrous effects, the skin will naturally produce larger amount of melanin – which is its protective agent, and distribute it over the affected areas of the skin. Sometimes, however, the excessive melanin collects in certain areas of the skin, causing these regions to appear darker than the surrounding areas and cause dark patches to appear. The condition is known as hyperpigmentation and is a very common occurrence – especially in people who spend a lot of time outdoors during the day without the application of any kind of sunscreen or other protective clothing. Conditions like Addison’s disease, vitamin deficiencies, lack of oxygen in the blood and continuous hormonal changes can all be blamed for the development of dark spots as well.

Because of the number of causes that could be responsible for the development of dark spots, it is important that you visit your doctor or dermatologist to identify the root cause as also the severity of the condition. In the case of hyperpigmentation, there are a number of home remedies that you could try using to help reduce the intensity of dark spots. For example, you could try creating a mixture of about 1 teaspoon of milk powder, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply this mixture over the face and wash it off after a period of about 15 minutes to help bring a shine to the face and reduce the darkness. Mixing some dried orange peels with curd is also known to be very effective in reducing blemishes and scars. Apply the paste over your face and wash it off after a period of about 15 minutes for best results.

answered by G M

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