My 2 Yr Old Baby Has Rash Mostly On Her Thighs, Arms, Elbows, Knees And Her Stomach. They Itch And Have Spread Rapidly Over 3 Days. Do You Think It Could Be HFMD?

Although adults can also be affected by hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), the condition is known to primarily affect young children as a result of their still developing immune system. Given the fact that your child suffers from more or less the same set of symptoms that the condition shows, it is highly likely that your child is suffering from HFMD. However, the only way to be absolutely sure is to take your baby down to her pediatrician and have a few medical tests run to identify the root cause. Correct identification of the condition affecting your baby is essential in order for the doctor to provide correct and effective treatment. Although the condition is rarely fatal, some very serious medical complications are known to occur such as an infection of the brain, heart and lungs. A recap of some of the most prominent symptoms include the presence of a fever, a sore throat, painful blister like lesions that will develop on the gums, tongue and inside of the cheeks. The child is also likely to experience a substantial loss of appetite as well as an increase in his or her irritability levels. The incubation of the condition lasts for a period of about three to seven days from the time the infection gains access to the body. In most cases though, the condition will only affect the child's body on a mild scale over the course of a few days. it is however still very important that you take your child to the doctor for a consultation to prevent the condition from developing any further.

Blisters that develop within the mouth and on the tongue would most likely interfere to a significant extent with the intake of food and thus trouble the child to a large extent. It is important therefore to try and get these sores and blisters as soon as possible. As a result, an increase in your intake of rather cold foods and drinks like ice cream or sherbet as well as sucking on an ice pop or ice chips will help significantly. Avoid drinking any kind of acidic foods or beverages such as citrus fruits or any of the juices extracted from them as this will only serve to worsen the condition. Getting your child to rinse his or her mouth with the help of some warm water will also help substantially. Gargling with warm salt water is also known to be very effective.

answered by M W

Warning: does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. see additional information
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