I have 5 boils in my vagina area. What causes these? What is a good antibacterial soap

A boil refers to a localized infection that occurs in the deeper layers of the skin. Boils first appear as tender, red areas on the surface of the skin. In course of time, these areas become firm and the center becomes soft and pus-filled. The pus that forms is actually a mixture of white blood cells, protein and bacteria. This pus forms a head in the middle of the boil. When the center turns yellow or white, it ruptures and the pus is drained out. It is advisable to treat boils immediately, especially vaginal boils. This is because if left untreated, the infection may worsen and spread. The resulting pain and discomfort may also become severe. In case of infection, antibiotic treatment may be required.

There are many factors that lead to formation of vaginal boils. Ingrown hairs are the most common cause of boils on the skin. Ingrown hair boils usually result from infection by the staphylococcus bacteria, which are normally present on the skin. Boils may also arise when a foreign object such as a splinter gets lodged into the skin. Boils that develop on the labia of the vagina may also develop due to clogged sweat glands. When there is excess production of sebum or oil, the opening of the skin pores gets blocked. Dirt and bacteria may adhere to the clogged pore and infection develops. Poor hygiene of the skin could also cause clogged sweat glands due to trapping of dirt and dead skin cells in the opening of the glands. Many a time, even small scrapes or cuts on the skin can get infected and turn into abscesses. In case the pus leaks out from vagina boils, it could spread to surrounding areas of the skin and lead to the development of more boils.

Hot and cold compresses are effective in encouraging the boil to rupture and drain. Warmth helps to improve blood flow in the area, thereby enabling the body to fight the infection. The swelling and pain may also be relieved by applying ice to the area. tea tree oil is a beneficial natural remedy that helps in reducing inflammation. Dab a small amount of the oil directly on the affected area after a bath. You may also prepare a paste of turmeric and ginger and apply to the boil. Cover with a piece of gauze after applying and allow it to stay on for half an hour.

answered by G R

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