I want a dietary plan for diabetes patients

Diet In Diabetes -  Eat regular meals throughout the day. Do not skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Limit the serving size of meals and snacks. Too much food will lead to an increase in body weight. Eat a food in less quantity containing carbohydrate at each meal – for example, one cup of pasta, rice or cereal, two slices of bread or a medium potato. Between meals, limit the carbohydrate content of a snack to 20 grams. For example one piece of fruit, a small bowl of yoghurt, a small slice of cake or one biscuit. Eat wholegrain food.Add variety of healthy foods from the different food groups. Include cereals, fruit and vegetables, low fat dairy products and lean meat.

Take in large quantity low kilojoules foods such as salad, vegetables.
Avoid saturated fats that are found in animal foods like full fat milk, ice creams, butter and cheese as well as palm oil and coconut products, processed meat and snacks .Consume small amounts of unsaturated fats like olive, canola or sunflower oil, mono or polyunsaturated margarines, oily fish, and seeds and nuts.Avoid fried food. In stead of that prefer to have baked or boiled or steamed food.Baked items like cakes and biscuits should be eaten only occasionally and in small serves, even when they are low fat.Avoid chocolates and sweet soft drinks. Don't add salt when you cook or at the table, and reduce the use of high salt foods

Dr.Tabassum Patel(Homoeopath)


answered by Dr

There is an excellent ebook about Diabetes published by Ayurveda For You
You will find valuable information about dietary plan for diabetes patients in this ebook.
For more info. visit -http://ayurveda-foryou.com/ebook/ebook1.html

answered by Dr S P

There are many resources available on the internet and in published books to help you develop a good dietary plan.  Do not overlook Diabetes Association websites and publications.  Often the therapeutic  goal is to rebalance blood sugars through food choices and exercise.  One of the books I often recommend to patients is "The Diabetes Solution" by Richard Bernstein, MD.   There are also some excellent websites which have extensive databases on the glycemic indices of foods.  You may choose to consult a trained health care practitioner to help you fine-tune a dietary plan that better reflects your lifestyle, priorities and individualized characteristics.  There are some supplements, such as chromium and gymnema, which may help support.  http://www.countrydoc.com

Dr. Karen Benton, Naturopathic Physician 

answered by Dr K B N

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