Treating nervousness

someone scared me bad and it was the worst scare i ever had. Ever since then everything scares me and my heart races uncontrollably and makes me very nervous. Can i take something natural to make me calm as i was before?

A little bit of anxiety is normal in today's fast paced world - but it mustn’t interfere with your everyday life and ability to function.

The symptoms of nervousness and anxiety include sleeplessness, stomach problems, perspiration, palpitation, shortness of breath and irritability.

Here are some home remedies that could reduce nervousness:

  • Massage your head with lime juice
  • An effective remedy for nervousness is to soak a teaspoon of mint leaves in a cup of water for 30 minutes. Drinking this concoction helps to cure nervousness
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Exercise regularly, but never over do it. Stretching exercises are also very beneficial to deal and overcome nervousness.
  • Practice breathing exercises and other forms of Yoga.

answered by A W

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