how to get rid of sun spots on skin?

The skin is made up of many layers and is the protective covering for the body. The different layers of the skin insulate the body from foreign objects, infections and diseases. The skin is also used for the sense of touch as well as for the process of thermoregulation. The color of the skin is based on a pigment known as melanin. An area of the skin with more melanin will appear darker. Sun spots are spots or patches on the skin where the concentration of melanin is increased. These spots occur over a period of time due to the exposure of the skin to the sun. The bright, ultraviolet rays of the sun damage the skin and may cause the skin to react by adding melanin to specific spots that are damaged. A sun spot is different from tanning and lasts longer than a tan. Sun spots are common among light skinned individuals over the age of 40.

Sun spots on the skin are usually cosmetic and have no medical background associated with them. If the skin is itchy, flaky or damaged in any way, then it is best to visit a dermatologist. If the only problem is the visible appearance of the spot, then the individual can choose some home remedies for sun spots. However there are also a lot of commercially available products for removing sun spots from the face. Home remedies for sun spots are based on simple easily available products that are found in any house. Most of these products actually bleach the skin and therefore dull down the appearance of the spots. Light spots can be made to disappear altogether whereas darker spots may only fade.

Lemon juice is one of the most commonly used home remedies for sun spots. The juice should be squeezed from a fresh lemon and applied directly to the skin. It should be noted that this method of sun spot removal takes some time and does not happen instantly. Lemon juice is acidic in nature. This means that the individual will experience some discomfort of the juice is applied on cracked and broken skin. Dry skin may also react poorly to lemon juice.

Apple cider vinegar can be applied in the same way to spots on an individual's face. In order to prevent sun spots on the skin, one should use an effective sun block as this will protect the skin properly and ensure that it is not damaged by exposure to the radiation of the sun.

answered by G M

  • Rub fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the spots. It will help fade them. Use the gel twice a day for a month or two. Juice from the aloe plant is excellent for healing burns and is also beneficial as a general healing agent.
  • Take fresh or canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), mash about 1/3 cupful and add a little water. Smear this paste on the spots and leave it there until it dries. Then wash off completely. Do this every evening.
  • Apply vitamin E oil directly to age spots daily to reduce coloration of age spots
  • Another mineral supplement to take is zinc. Take 15 mg a day for one to two months. Do not take more than 15 mg without a doctors supervision, as it may hinder the bodys absorption of other minerals, especially copper.
  • Bilberry herb slows some of the aging processes and acts as an antioxidant. Take 4-8 oz. of fresh berries or 80-160 mg of bilberry extract.
  • Dab some fresh lemon juice on the spots twice daily. If you are going outdoors, wait for the juice to dry as it increases the skins sensitivity to sunlight. It may take a few months, but the acidity in the juice will cause the spots to fade away.
  • answered by C

    Dab fresh lemon juice on your skin to lighten the spots. Leave it on for 20 mins and then wash it off. Then mix aloe juice with ? the amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer. Dab this on the tan especially if it due to the sun. Rubbing the inside of a slice of watermelon is good for lightening tanned spots though it may not give instant results. If these sun spots are freckles, try to stay away from sun exposure as far as possible. Take precautions by using a sunscreen even indoors. Wear a hat, scarf or use an umbrella when you are outdoors to keep out the sun as much as possible. Freckles are hard to get rid off because they arise when a light skinned person who has less melanin (skin pigment) is exposed to uv rays of the sun. So instead of getting an even suntan, they sometimes get freckles due to the less melanin skin pigment. You may notice that they disappear in winter and come back in summer. But freckles are often permanent.

    answered by P P

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