Candidiasis Treatments

My girlfriend has had a yeast infection for about 1 year and she has taken many medications but it is not clearing. If we have sex will I get it?

There are a couple of problems that can be ascertained from your question. The first is that your girlfriend has had a possible yeast infection for over a year and it is not clearing. This could indicate that the yeast infection diagnosis is incorrect or that is not being treated with the proper medication. The second part of the problem is that you are considering putting yourself at risk of contracting the disease yourself and also causing discomfort to your partner. The golden rule is that if you or your partner is suffering from some sexually transmitted disease, you have to completely abstain from sex until a doctor gives you a go-ahead.

Vaginal yeast infections are called candidiasis in the medical world. It is caused by a fungus, which is functions in a manner similar to a plant. This fungus grows on your skin or on an exposed surface and just like a plant, it has roots or hyphae that grow under the surface and gathers up nutrients. Usually, when a yeast infection starts to become visible, the fungus is already in its reproduction phase and ready to spread to other areas. Another form of candidiasis is oral thrush. Candidiasis mostly infects women but if your penis does come in contact with an infected vagina then you will contract the disease as well. The symptoms in men include itching, inflammation, burning and soreness of the penis and genital area. In rare cases, discharge from the penis can also occur.

Treating your girlfriend should be your primary concern. Start by visiting a doctor who, at this stage, may prescribe drugs like capsofungin, amphotericin or voriconazole. These should be supplemented with some herbal remedies that you can use at home as well. To effectively battle fungal infections, garlic is going to be the key weapon of choice. This is because garlic contains allacin, a powerful antibiotic and antifungal agent. She should increase the amount of garlic in her diet to almost two bulbs a day. If a douche is an option, then a combination of yogurt mixed with crushed garlic (sieved afterwards) should be used. However she should talk to her doctor before using a douche as the regular use of a douche has also been linked to several other vaginal problems. It is also advisable to keep pubic hair trimmed very short to ensure that the fungus does not breed on the strands of hair. It is also important to keep the entire area completely dry at all times.

answered by G M

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