Information regarding ovarian cyst and getting pregnant

An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with mucous, fluid or semi solid materials. It develops on the surface of an ovary or inside it. These cysts are usually benign, but could also be malignant.

There are various types of cysts:

  • Dermoid cysts have human substances such as pieces of hair, skin or even teeth in them.
  • In a woman with endometriosis, uterine cells grow outside the uterus. They sometimes adhere to the ovary, leading to the growth of an ovarian cyst.
  • Another form of cyst is caused by the shell of an ovarian egg. Every month the ovaries produce a tiny cyst called a follicle with an egg inside. This follicle bursts and releases the egg. The shell that is left behind usually dissolves. But sometimes it remains behind and a cyst begins to grow around it.
  • Another ovarian cyst called Cyst Adenomas sometimes forms during pregnancy.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts:

  • Ultrasound can show up a cyst and also determine its size and whether it is malignant or benign.
  • Sometimes when the cyst is very large you may also feel pain.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles are another symptom of ovarian cysts.

Treatment for cysts: While medication may sometimes be sufficient to treat the cyst, surgery is recommended if the condition is too painful, or if the cyst is too large and there is a danger of it bursting, or if malignancy is suspected. Your doctor will decide whether you need a laparoscopy or an open surgery. Your doctor will also decide whether you need to remove the ovary, or if it is possible to remove only the cyst.

Ovarian cyst and Pregnancy: Cysts on the ovary usually do not hinder pregnancy. If both ovaries are intact after removal of the cyst, you can become pregnant. Even if you have one ovary removed, you can still get pregnant. This is because when we have two ovaries, each one releases an egg on alternate months. So even with one ovary, an egg will be released, thus helping you to get pregnant. Pregnancy however, is not possible if both ovaries have been surgically removed.

Complications: If you have been detected with ovarian cysts before you have become pregnant, it is advisable to have it treated before you go in for pregnancy. This is because the cyst may rupture during the course of your pregnancy. It may also get larger as your pregnancy progresses.

Sometimes, you are also at risk of 'torsion' (when the cyst gets twisted), and then your doctor may suggest immediate surgery. This might prove a little risky since you will have to undergo anesthesia, which can affect the unborn child.

answered by G M

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