I would like to slim a little bit what do i do?

Excess weight is not only a cause of social embarrassment but can also lead to serious ailments like hypertension, blood sugar and cholesterol, and even heart failure. The primary causes for weight gain and obesity are dietary imbalances and lack of physical exercise. Thus, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at the highest risk of gaining excess weight. It is therefore necessary that you take care of what you eat in order to maintain a healthy body weight. Cutting down severely on the amount of food you eat is not the solution to the problem, as the excess weight lost by such drastic methods is always regained once you revert to a less rigorous diet. Instead, cut down your consumption of foodstuff that is rich in saturated fats and complex sugars, as these are often the main culprits responsible for weight gain. Avoid red meats, deep-fried snacks, sweets, ice-cream, butter and chocolate, as well as all sorts of carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Include lots of raw fruits and unsweetened, homemade fruit juices in your diet. Also, eat lots of green, leafy vegetables, either raw in the form of salads or simply boiled in water. Moreover, you must also set aside at least an hour every day for some form of physical exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or aerobics. You may consult a trainer for addressing the problem of concentrated weight gain in certain parts of the body, like the waist, abdomen and hips. Regular exercise not only helps burn calories but also aids proper digestion and improves sleeping irregularities, all of which contribute to gradual weight loss.

Besides these general measures, a few specific home remedies can help you lose weight naturally. Every morning, drink a solution of a tablespoon of honey mixed in a glass of lukewarm water. This helps burn down deposits of fatty cells in the body and causes natural weight loss. Drinking a cup of warm ginger tea every morning and evening is also a popular home remedy for losing weight. Chewing a few fresh curry leaves every morning on an empty stomach is believed to be another effective way of losing weight. You could also crush a handful of mint leaves and consume their juice every day to control weight gain. You should also eat a couple of raw tomatoes every day at breakfast to check weight gain. Eat boiled cabbages regularly to burn away excess body fat.

answered by G M

The best way to lose weight in a healthy way is to proportion everything you eat! And get plenty of exercise. 30 mins a day of vigorous movement, ie: walking, jogging, tae bo, jump roping, will get your heart rate up and should shed the pounds! I will say though, more important than exercising is proportioning your meals. You don't have to cut out all of the fatting foods, just proportion them!

answered by r

I will suggest you free home remedy, slightly complicated to follow and somewhat unusual, bit nauseating, difficult to get accustomed to.

  1. Have diet of vegetable soups and fruits only, for just 3 days. This will remove the color and pungent smell in early morning first urine.
  2. When passing urine after getting up in the morning, catch middle third portion in a cup. leave first portion as well as last portion.
  3. apply it to fingers, calf muscle, thighs, forearm and hind arm, for next four days. This will accustom you to the smell and kill unplesant sensation.
  4. Now from 8th day onward, take 10 drops in half cup of water and drink it first thing after you get up. Do not take tea/coffee/milk for next 20-30 minutes. That is all. Go on increasing the dose by 10 drops everyday. on 12th day the dose becomes 1 tsp. Keep it constant for next 5 days. Make it 2 tsp from 22nd day. 3 tsp from 33rd day. so on till you are able to drink about 25-50 ml self urine diluted by equal volume of water. water should be warm.
  5. Eat green salads dressed with 10 ml extra virgin olive oil, green vegetable soups in each meal. Proteins also should not be left out.
  6. Another essential free home remedy for slimming is walking or swimming. here too start with say 10 steps and go on adding 10 steps every dat.
  7. Result can be seen when pants start become loose. This takes a month, but what you loose is permanent loss of weight.

answered by S B

Based on ym experience i can advice you to do regular workouts,drink plenty of water and eat more vegetables and fruits,dont skip breaksfast and lunch,at dinner just have a soup believe me when you wake up inthe morning you will feel light.

answered by v

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