Remedy to stop muscle spasms and feeling of lump in throat?

The occurrence of muscle spasms in your throat whilst swallowing can be caused due to several different reasons. An enlarged thyroid cartilage or an inflamed larynx or voice box and even the effects of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD are known to cause the condition you have mentioned. If your condition is caused by any of these factors, it would be advisable to seek medical assistance as soon as possible for an exact diagnosis and the correct treatment.

An inflammation of the voice box or larynx is known as Laryngitis which can occur because of a preceding infection, such as sore throat or an allergy. When any particular part of the body develops an inflammation, the body's immune response causes a swelling in the affected area. It is important to note that if you have not suffered from an infection of the upper respiratory tract in the recent past, then this reason could be ruled out. There is a possibility that the cartilage of your thyroid gland may have caused a deformity in your throat. Problems in swallowing combined with a clicking sound that occurs when you turn your neck are the typical indicators of this condition. When the thyroid cartilage rubs against the larynx and its muscles, it leads to a deformity in the throat. This deformity is not common and is usually the result of some trauma to the throat. Although this condition is generally not considered serious, it is an irritation for the patient. The condition can be resolved surgically. It involves modifying the size of the cartilage so that the rubbing together of the two organs is avoided. The good thing is that this type of surgery has no serious repercussions.

When the lower esophageal sphincter which extends from the food pipe to the stomach does not shut down, it leads to a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition usually leads to the stomach acids rising up to the throat, particularly when the individual suffering from this ailment is in a prostrate position, akin to when one is asleep. These stomach acids rise to affect the larynx causing an inflammation. This condition can be corrected by a course of antacids and particularly, a conscious change in lifestyle which includes following a healthy die and a long lasting dependence on acid inhibitors.

In the event that this condition has been persisting for a while or has been chronic in nature, you may need to consider the possibility of a tumor in the throat and it would be highly recommended to consult a medical expert to diagnose the exact nature of the affliction, and decide on the next course of action.

answered by G M

This can be attributed to the muscles in the throat contracting due to anxiety or stress. Sometimes it feels like you cannot swallow anything and makes the situation worse.

These might be symptoms of Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).The symptoms include lump feeling in the throat or choking or sore throat, or hoarseness in the morning, or trouble swallowing. Gastro esophageal reflux disease can also cause a dry cough and bad breath, and breathing difficulties similar to asthma.

Inadequate supply of potassium to your body is another reason for muscle spasms. Eat a good amount of soy flour, bran wheat, bananas, potatoes, tomato puree and so on. Muscle spasm mainly happens due to calcium deficiency, so include calcium in your diet. A good source of calcium involves low-fat dairy products such as yoghurt, skim milk and ricotta cheese. Muscle spasms might also be because of the acids that interfere with the body's ability to absorb calcium and hence, it is better to minimize the intake of acidic foods like tomatoes and vinegar.

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answered by r k

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