What is the difference between toe nail fungus and yeast infection fungus and Candida?

These three infections are fungal infections but the difference is how it infects different people and of course the type of fungus that can cause these infections.

Toe Nail Fungus: This fungal infection appears in between your toe nails (and sometimes in the nails of your hands too). This infection affects the nails, discolors them and makes them very brittle. It's also known as onychomycosis and is particularly common.

Different funguses cause this infection and it typically proliferates in hot and humid weather. This infection typically affects more men than women.

Yeast Infection:
Yeast infection is typically also caused by a yeast-type fungus. A yeast infection usually affects women. Yeast infection is usually vaginal and is a part of the bigger set of infections of Candida.

Candida: Candida or candidiasis is a fungal infection and can happen orally, vaginally, in the blood or even systemically. It can also affect the skin, throat, mouth, blood along with the most common variety that can affect the genitals. Though common in women, it is known to happen to men too.

Candida can be life threatening if left untreated. Typically yeast infections are localized and can be contained with simple steps provided they are diagnosed in time. Yeast infections tend to recur once you have contracted them. It can become a systemic infection if, for instance, it appears in immune-compromised people. Any area that generally stays moist is open to contract a fungal infection.

Vaginal yeast infection is specifically known as Candida vulvovaginitis. Symptoms of the most common form of yeast infection include redness, itching, burning while urinating and a semi solid white discharge. It’s also painful to have sex if the woman has a yeast infection. Remedies for this yeast infection include some anti fungal drugs. Alternative treatments are also very popular for this form of yeast infection because of its recurrence. A popular one is using a yoghurt-soaked tampon to restore the bacteria in the vagina. This treatment is believed to help keep yeast infections at bay.

Oral candidiasis is common in immune compromised adults, the elderly and infants. Candidiasis in the blood is rare but can spread fast and needs to tackled by a doctor. For all fungal infections, there are creams, lotions and tablets that can be used as treatment. But a correct diagnosis is important as well.


  1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000880.htm
  2. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001330.htm

answered by A S

These are by and large types of fungal infection. There are many more types of fungi. Depending on the virulence and effect they are termed differently. Toe nail infection is a more dry type of a nail bed fungus that makes the nail yellowish, dirty and may make the nail break off easily. Yeast is basically moist, itching, and corrosive. These happen mostly in the genital area, mucopurulent junctions etc.

answered by D M K

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