Ulcerative colitis can be quite serious, even though it is fast becoming very common owing to our changing food habits. Ulcerative colitis is preceded by stool with blood and mucus in it. There is also abdominal pain that can be severe or can come in pangs. Most people suffering from colitis even experience diarrhea. The attacks of colitis come in cycles and may even be accompanied with severe fatigue and medium to high fever.
If you have colitis, your digestive system does not function properly. The water, vitamins, and minerals are not properly absorbed in your digestive tract. This is what leads to the loss in appetite and the ill-health. You will also experience weight loss because of the condition.
In its acute stage, the colitis can also affect your skin, eyes, and also your joints. Ulcerative colitis can also be associated with various other diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome can also be caused because of ulcerative colitis.
Along with medical care, there are home remedies that can be used to treat and prevent further continuation of ulcerative colitis. Ingesting fish oil or olive oil can really cause great improvement in the colitis which is mild to medium in nature. Cod liver oil has good amounts of vitamin D that facilitates the integration of calcium in the body. Cod liver oil also reduces the severity of the condition and ensures that it doesn’t recur. It also boosts the immune system.
Hemp can also be used to treat ulcerative colitis. The oil of hemp has anti inflammatory properties and should be ingested daily. The initial dose can be just one spoon, which can be increased over a period of time until relief is felt.
Get yourself some ultra fine green clay. Applying it on your stomach soothes the inflammation and ceases the diarrhea. You can also drink juice of barley grass. Even though this might not provide you any relief from your symptoms in the initial stages of your ailment, ingesting it in the second month after you’ve been diagnosed can restore your bowel by supplying it nutrients that are valuable for the digestive tract.
answered by G M