Dietary advice

in addition to cold water fish, can you add chicken to your diet after gallbladder surgery with minimal affect to your digestive system?

The gall bladder, situated below the liver, stores the bile produced by the liver. This bile is required for the digestion of food. Without this bile, we are likely to suffer from many digestives troubles. Gall stones block the bile from flowing into the bile ducts. This causes a build-up of bile in the gall bladder, which causes infection and inflammation in the organ. Women are generally affected with this inflammation. This build-up of bile is one of the most common causes of inflammation of the gall bladder. Chronic inflammation can also occur due to repeated inflammation of the gall bladder that is left untreated. If left untreated, the inflamed gall bladder thickens and scars the wall of the organ and could even lead to tumor. Pain can be one the main causes of inflamed gall bladder symptoms. The pain starts below the third rib on the right and can travel up to the right shoulder. Nausea can also be a symptom along with a fever. Depending on how acute or chronic the inflamed gall bladder is the intensity of the pain changes. Prolonged pain indicates that you should visit your doctor as it is a symptom that should not be ignored.

The people most susceptible to gall bladder problems are obese people who attempt a gastric surgery or those who are on fad diets. The causes of gall bladder problems are usually fad diets or fat free diets.  People who are fat have large amounts of cholesterol in their bile. When such people go on fat free diets, all this bile is not digested and can get crystallized into gall stones. This can cause pain. The signs and symptoms of gall bladder problems include chest pain, nausea, queasiness, frequent gas and a tender stomach area. Sometimes people with allergies can also suffer. Allergies can trigger gall stone troubles so it is something you should be aware of.

Diet Tips after Gallbladder Surgery: The use of gall bladder natural remedies is known amongst most people. One should remember that to treat gall bladder problems diet should be given special attention. The diet after gall bladder problems is usually a starch rich diet. The diet should include starchy foods like rice, bread, cereals, vegetables and fruit. This will increase the fiber you consume and improve your digestion. You should eat many fruits and vegetables. When you eat salads, you could make dressing of flax seed oil and vinegar. Eat more ginger and turmeric for its anti septic and healing properties. Remember to also eat low fat dairy.  You can increase your intake of fish or take fish capsules as the Omega 3 will really help you.

You should also eat smaller meals and also avoid eating and lying down immediately. Remember to drink plenty of water too. Some of the fruits that are good for you and form part of your gall bladder problems diet are apples, guavas, pears, coconuts and berries.  The foods that you should avoid as part of your gall bladder problem diet include cabbage, cauliflower, onions, coffee, milk, meat, eggs, chocolate, grapefruit, alcohol and other fatty items. You have to keep in mind that these are things to avoid if you have a gall bladder problem. But a diet without any fat at all is also an unhealthy one. You need to be able to consume the good fats, in moderation.

Sometimes surgery is suggested as a remedy for gall bladder problems. But actually it only truly helps the problem. Often the bile does not get regulated and one may experience gall bladder problems after surgery too. It sends patients straight to the restroom. This is called the bile dumping syndrome. This is usually means that there is nutrition impairment in your body. Sometime these symptoms go away. Despite getting surgery to remedy the gall bladder problems, the symptoms can still recur. So do remember to take care.

answered by G M

Since the gall bladder acts as a storage area for bile, there is a slow "drip" of bile into the digestive system without this organ.  Some people have digestive distress, simply as a result of bile irritation.  Often, more frequent small meals help relieve some of this irritation.  With a gall bladder, fats often stimulate the release of bile. So, without a gall bladder, eating fatty foods may cause inefficient digestion and digestive distress. So, certainly try lean chicken, etc. to see how your body reacts.  You may also choose some supplements such as apple cider vinegar, probiotics, ox bile, gentian/scuttelaria etc. to improve the efficiency of your digestive process.

answered by Dr K B N

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