Relief from Feminine Itching

Relief from feminine itching can be gained by first determining the exact cause of feminine itching. The causes for feminine itching could range from excessive sweating to yeast infection to even sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most common causes of feminine or vaginal itching is excessive moisture. This could arise on account of not changing ones clothes after a vigorous exercising session or sweating excessively while wearing underwear made form synthetic materials. In some cases feminine itching may also be caused on account of an allergic reaction to a bathing product or a feminine hygiene product.

Simply discontinuing using the product would take care of the problem fairly quickly. One of the treatment options that provide relief from feminine itching includes taking a saline bath. This is found to be a very effective natural treatment if followed for two to three nights consecutively in a mild case of an infection. Relief from feminine itching can also be found by abstaining from sexual intercourse while suffering from this condition. In most cases it has been observed that the infection and itch causing organism may have been transmitted by one's partner itself and indulging in sexual intercourse may result in the individual re-exposing themselves to the infection. Many a times vaginal itching may be observed in women approaching or already experiencing menopause as this is on account of the changes that take place in the vagina.

One of the methods to gain relief from feminine itching caused by menopause is hormone replacement therapy or using prescription hormonal creams for the vagina. Some women may try to gain relief from feminine itching by douching their vagina. One should know that this could have adverse effects as it may drive the infectious organisms and material up through the cervix and thereby result in pelvic inflammatory disease. Women who suffer from feminine itching on account of a yeast infection can find relief by reducing their intake of sugar as yeast tends to feed and thrive on glucose. One should also increase their intake of Vitamin C as it tends to increase the acidity levels in the vagina thereby creating an environment that is unfavorable to the yeast. Another excellent home remedy for relief from feminine itching is to increase the consumption of yogurt or even applying some yogurt directly on the vagina and then wiping it off with a dry towel. Women can find relief from vaginal itching by rinsing their vagina with some water which has two tablespoons of cider vinegar mixed in it. This treatment should be followed twice a day for at least two days consecutively.

answered by G M

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