What can be done to reduce water retentions (mainly in the feet). I am a diabetic.

Water retention is a problem that most diabetic patients have to contend with because of the high volume of blood in the system. This form of edema is not the result of some kind of injury but rather a problem of fluid dynamics and gravity coming to play. The problem is not dangerous if dealt with immediately whenever it does happen; however, it is more important that you understand the mechanism of what happens to ensure that you don’t fall prey to it regularly.

diabetes comes in two forms: one where there is no insulin secreted by the pancreas and the other where the insulin secreted is not acted up by the body or the body is resistant to its effects. In both cases, the result is elevated serum glucose levels or blood sugar. Insulin is the fuel switching mechanism of the body and regulates whether we burn fat or sugar to survive. In the absence of insulin, the body starts to burn fat by default causing more sugar in the blood. When there is more sugar in the blood, the blood becomes denser and water is required to keep the fluid balance. More water in the blood means more volume of blood in the same space of the body. In the extremities of the body, this means the blood starts to push out nutrients into the surrounding tissue and interstitial fluid – a fluid medium that exchanges nutrients and waste between blood and cells through osmosis and fluid diffusion. This is what causes water to accumulate. In people with a weak heart, the same mechanism of water retention occurs but because the heart is too weak to be able to push blood against the pull of gravity, the blood pools and diffuses more fluid into the tissues.

Treating this condition requires some aggressive monitoring of your diabetes. It is inevitable that your serum glucose levels will rise at some point so you need to take your insulin regularly and also reduce your body weight. By reducing body weight, you reduce the number of cells and tissues to send blood to and consequently the blood volume reduces. Whenever your foot swells up, you must lie down and raise your leg above the level of your heart to help send the blood back down. Finally, have lots of black coffee (sugarless) and horseradish as these are natural diuretics and reduce the amount of fluid in the body. You also need to start take bitter melon lectin supplements as this can help simulate the effect of insulin in the blood.

answered by G M

Tips for reducing water retention 

Water retention in the feet is medically known as edema. Edema typically occurs in pregnant women, people who stand and walk excessively and sit for long periods of time with their feet dangling off the ground. The other reason for edema is also excessive salt intake, which sometimes occurs in women just before the start of their period. The only way to beat water retention is to drink more water. This is the most effective way to flush out excessive water and salt from your body and bring down the swelling. Drink at least 10 litres of water every day. You can also try to cut salt out from your diet for a day and see if it makes a difference. If it reduces the swelling, the indication is that you are consuming too much salt in your diet. Cut out processed and ready to eat foods, which are very high in salt content. Exercise for 30 minutes, at least four times a week. This will help boost circulation and improve your general health, as well as bring your blood sugar under control. If you have painful swelling, you can also use ice packs to momentarily bring it down and numb the pain.

answered by G R

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