Relief from Diarrhea, Suggest some good cures

Usually when an individual suffers from diarrhea, it is considered to be a reactive action of the body which is trying to get rid of something that may be potentially harmful to the body especially if the individual is also suffering from food poisoning or the flu. Thus, before the diarrhea actually stops, a person may suffer from several bouts of diarrhea. In order to get relief form diarrhea one should ensure that they drink plenty of liquids such as fresh drinking water and fresh juices so as to ensure that they do not get dehydrated. One should also try and avoid drinks that contain caffeine as it tends to further accelerate dehydration.

A home remedy for relief from diarrhea is to have some ginger tea which is also effective against cramping which may sometimes accompany diarrhea. One may also gain relief form diarrhea by having ginger ale or carrot juice as they tend to help in stool formation. Carrot juice and the juices of various green vegetables are also beneficial as they replace the valuable electrolytes that get lost while suffering from diarrhea. While trying to gain relief from diarrhea one should also remember to avoid dairy products as they tend to worsen the diarrhea and the associated cramping. Another home remedy for diarrhea is to take one tablespoon of honey along with water on a daily basis. One may also prepare a mixture of ginger juice, lemon juice and pepper or have some roasted white cumin seeds or fennel seeds every few hours. While determining the way to treat diarrhea it is essential to check the reason for which the person is suffering from diarrhea which could be a bacteria or virus that is attacking the body and may also be a case of food poisoning.

In most cases by simply ensuring that one stays well hydrated and avoids foods that are known to trigger the symptoms of diarrhea, the diarrhea will run the necessary course and clear itself within a few days. Home remedies for diarrhea also include drinking some blackberry tea if the diarrhea is mild. One may also have some wild oregano oil which is known to be a highly effective anti parasitic, anti bacterial and anti viral. Charcoal is a common home remedy that is used to expel and absorb to provide intestinal gas and is hence used to gain relief from ailments such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal bloating and even high cholesterol.

answered by G M

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