Viral infection reoccurrence and rashes

Is a viral infection contagious? The aspect of a viral infection being contagious depends on how easily the virus spreads. There are many different kinds of viruses and some viruses spread easier than others. More often than not, a viral spreads through human contact and through inhalation, or from other parts of the body such as the nose, eyes, and anus or sex organs. So, a viral infection is contagious and can be passed through person to person contact. Some viral infections are contagious and spread thorough other sources. For instance, AIDS is spread through either sexual contact or through blood transfusions. The common cold and flu are two more examples of a viral infection that is contagious. The most common type of viral infection is one that invades the respiratory tract. The signs of a viral infection include:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • A sore throat
  • fever
  • Hoarseness
  • A great deal of mucus production
  • The sense of taste and smell can be altered.
  • Muscle aches
  • Weakness

One of the first sings of a viral infection is fever. This shows that a virus has entered your body. The fever is the result of your body's defense system as it is trying to fight the virus. Other symptoms should be identified as well, since fever is not the only symptom and can be a symptom of another infection as well. Vomiting and diarrhea also could be a sign of a viral infection. At times a viral infection rash may also appear. Viruses can also be caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Signs of this kind of virus include sores around the mouth, anus, and genitals. More severe symptoms of a virus can include seizures, dehydration, paralysis, back pain, impaired bladder and bowel function, stiffness in the neck, paralysis of the limbs, confusion, and even sleepiness that progresses to a coma, and sometimes, death.

Viral infection treatment will depend on the cause of the virus. Treatment for the virus infection would depend on the person's age, his/her immune system, overall health status as well as the severity of the virus he/she has contracted. Keep in mind that a virus cannot be treated by antibiotics. Antibiotics will only further weaken the immune system. Bed rest, increase in fluid intake, and over the counter medications prescribed by your doctor will help you to fight this infection.

answered by G M

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