My skin is too dry. What can I use?

Dry skin is a very common problem especially in the winter. Dry skin means that the natural moisturizer that the skin has is not enough to retain its suppleness due to the dry climate around. There are many lotions but nothing like the best and natural cures to improve the skin's suppleness and youth. Everyone wants to know how to treat dry skin. There are many dry skin remedies and solutions for a dry skin treatment. The best time to moisturize your skin is right after your bath or shower, when your skin is still damp. People with extremely dry skin should not bathe too often as it strips the skin off its natural oils.

The bath should also be in tepid water as very hot water can harm the skin. As the skin dries, it traps the moisture in. You need to use a heavy duty cream. While purchasing a good cream you should remember that commercially there are few natural ingredients and if possible, you should create your moisturizer that works well for you.Dry skin cures includes a heavy duty moisturizer for dry skin. Dry itchy and cracked skin can be remedied internally and externally. There are many natural options too. You can use oils like olive oil, almond, jojoba or coconut oil repeatedly as needed to moisturize the skin. You can even add essential oils to add fragrance or use the essential oils for its specific properties. Though these oils are heavy, extremely dry skin really benefits from such moisture. For some homemade remedies, try applying mayonnaise. It is a great moisturizer. You can even try spreading avocado with some lemon juice across your skin. The natural fats in the avocado work beautifully as a natural moisturizer. Even applying a mashed banana works well.

While you are applying good amounts on the outside, remember to eat well so that you keep your skin healthy on the inside. Include raw and leafy vegetables in your diet along with fruits and nuts. Your diet should be a beta-carotene rich diet. Another old home remedy that works is swallowing one spoon of clarified butter every day. This lubricates your body on the inside preventing extremely dry skin. Do remember to hydrate your body. Drink enough water so that the skin does not feel parched. Wearing comfortable clothing is also important if you have extremely dry skin. Your skin should be able to breathe through the fabric. Even when you cleanse your face, use a cream-based cleanser to avoid stripping moisture from the skin on the face. Lotions for dry skin give relief to the dry flaky skin especially on the face.

Aloe vera is another natural herb that is very good for moisturizing very dry skin. Use organic soaps, especially ones that do not strip away the natural nutrients.Dry skin is especially prone to damage in the sun. Remember to step out in the sun only after taking adequate protection. Apply a good sunscreen that has an adequate amount of SPF. Some people even get really dry and flaky skin. This dry skin also gets itchy. If your skin does itch, you should avoid itching as it could cause irreparable damage to the top layer of the skin. In case of dire dry skin patches, you should apply some petroleum jelly. That is effective moisturizing. You should also use a humidifier to increase the moisture content in the air around you to reduce your distress. Cracked skin is also a side effect of really dry and flaky skin. Cracked skin usually appears on the dry corners of the body like elbows and heels. Moisturize well and keep such part well wrapped so that no infections take root.

answered by A S

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