Information on itching at night

Itching can be caused by a number of things. Two things that you should look into in your situation are allergies and stress. Stress is a little known cause for night time itching. First, I would rule out allergies to something in your environment. Especially something in or on your bed. If you use a moisturizer before bed, then try changing to something with no scent and that is allergy free. Try changing laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, and finally your sheets. Try to make sure your sheets are made from natural fibers like cotton. If you have ruled out allergies, then its time to look at stress. Everyone has stress in their lives. If you are having physical problems, you should work on relaxing once you come home from work and try some things like yoga or meditation to help you deal with daily problems and relieve stress. A cup of chamomile tea before bed can help you relax as well. This may help to stop the itching. Ask your self some questions:

  1. Do you have something in your life that is a great source of stress?
  2. Have you been going through a stressful time such as a death in the family or divorce?

answered by R P

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