What can I do about facial acne

Acne refers to a condition in which the pores or hair follicles of the skin get plugged or clogged. It includes whiteheads and blackheads; pimplescysts and or lumps which develop on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest. Acne is most commonly seen in teenagers; however it can also affect other age groups. Acne is not a serious condition, but it can cause annoyance, discomfort and anxiety as it can stand to disfigure one’s appearance. If acne is excessive, it can cause a great deal of scarring that may even be permanent. Some amount of scarring is common even in minor cases. Acne can be caused by a multitude of factors. Acne results when excess oil accumulates in the hair follicles, along with dead skin cells and bacteria, forming a plug. This plug then enlarges and becomes infected due to the bacteria. When these plugs spill their contents onto other parts of the skin, the pimples increase in number as the bacteria spreads and result in an acne outbreak.

Overactive sebaceous or oil glands are the primary cause of acne. At the time of puberty or during periods of stress, the oil glands may be go into overdrive and produce an excessive amount of oil which then contributes to clogging in the pores.

There are several home remedies that can improve the condition of the acne. One of these is to apply a paste of oatmeal on the face for about twenty minutes and then rinse. Lemon juice is very effective in treating skin infections and you may mix equal proportions of lime juice and rose water and apply with the help of a cotton ball. After keeping it on for about half an hour, you can wash it off. Rubbing the affected skin with a clove of garlic also helps to reduce inflammation.A lavender compress is very helpful in reducing itching and irritation caused by acne. Cucumber juice may also be applied to the acne affected areas. Tannin also has some antiseptic properties and as such you may place moist tea bags on the skin. Preparing the tea bags with basil and then placing them on the face will also give you good results. A simple and effective home remedy is to apply a small dab of toothpaste on the pimples in order to dry them out. A face pack made out of fuller’s earth and yogurt will help to keep your skin healthy as well as reduce the amount of dirt and grime on the surface.

answered by G M

Treatment for fascial acne -

  • Take 2-3 big glasses of warm water daily early in the morning after waking up.
  • Take hot water steam every day once on the face.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called as Bellis perenis 6c, 5 pills 2 times daily for 1 month.
  • After a month start with biochemical salt Natrum mur 3x and Calc phos 3x, 5 tablets of each 2 times a day, for a month.

answered by D M K

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