Natural treatment to lighten complexion

My both hands and legs are very dark compared to by face. Also has lot of wrinkles on legs and hands .Pls suggest home remedies to correct and match to my face complexion.

  1. Bath in the morning tap water or shower without heating the water. Take a shower even if it is snowing.
  2. Take 1 tsp of turmeric powder in 1 cup of warm milk once daily.
  3. Make a powder of saffron and consume 1/2 tsp of saffron in 1 cup milk once a week for 7 weeks.
  4. Take vitamin E in the form of almonds, aloe vera juice, olives ideally 50 gms of any one per day.
  5. Take a homeopathic remedy called Calc phos 6c 5 pills once daily for 1 month.

answered by D M K

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