Natural cures to regularize menses

Im aged 20.i get menses once in 2/3 months.please give me some home remedy in order to regularise it.

Natural cures to regularize menses-

1. Do the deep breathing exercises specially the ovarian stimulating one that is forceful, deep exhalations pressing the diaphragm. Repeat these exhalations for 10 minutes on an empty stomach early in the morning and night.

2. Take a homeopathic remedy called Sulphur 1000. Take a single powder dose. Then wait and see results for 2 consecutive cycles.

3. After 2 months take another dose of the same homeopathic remedy as mentioned above.

4. Follow up after 10 days with another homeopathic remedy called Pulsatilla 30, 5 pills, once daily, at bed time, for 15 days.

answered by D M K

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