Can I use turpentine for a toothache?

Toothache and turpentine-

  1. You may use clinical turpentine for toothache with 2 part of olive or coconut oil and soak this mixture in a cotton swab and apply at the site of ache. Put in soaked cotton in the hollow of the tooth and press upper jaw upon the lower so as to exert pressure on the painful tooth. Keep spitting out saliva after turpentine application. Do not swallow.
  2. Here is another remedy for toothache. Mix 1 part of clove oil with 4 parts of vegetable oil is ideal for such an ache.
  3. Even application of vinegar is very good for relief of tooth ache.
  4. Take homeopathic measure for toothache like Plantago, Aconite, mag carb,arnica etc.

answered by D M K

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