Natural treatment for pseudogout

could you recommend any home remedies for pseudogout?

Synthesis and accumulation of uric acid crystals result in gout. These are identified in the joint covering and synovial fluid, contributing to inflammation and painful joints. Contributing factors for gout are gender, diet, genes, alcohol, body weight, diuretics, hypothyroidism and hypertension. Deposits of uric acid in the urinary tract, results in renal stones. Pseudogout, as the name indicates, is false gout. It is also referred to a CPPD or calcium pyro phosphate crystals disease. It has the capacity to ape osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is slightly less painful than a gout attack. It lasts for at least two weeks. Occurrence of fever is common. It affects the cartilage and the joints that worsens in course of time. The knee is the target organ for pseudogout. Individuals with metabolic disorders, such as amyloidosis, hemochroatosis and hyperparathyroidism are more vulnerable to pseudogout. The shape of the CPPD crystals determines the presence of uric acid crystals. Athrocentesis is the technique by which synovial fluid is removed. Anti inflammatory drugs helps in providing relief. Steroids are prescribed as pills or injections. They prove beneficial in decreasing pain and inflammation.

answered by Dr C

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