Treatment for stiff neck

How to cure stiff neck

  • To cure stiff neck, heat mustard oil with 2-3 cloves of garlic in it. Leave it to cool for 2-3 minutes then apply it warm on the neck and at the back in slow circular motions. This can be repeated for 2-3 times in the day and especially at the night.
  • A dry towel should be rolled around the neck and fastened with a safety pin. This acts as a soft collar and supports the head.
  • Try and restrict the movement of the neck and do not turn your head suddenly.
  • Sleep on your back and not on the sides. Using pillows should be avoided for as long as the stiffness lasts. Place a soft towel in the gap your between neck and shoulder and sleep straight.
  • Use a hot water bottle on the neck for half an hour for at least 3-4 times a day. You can also soak a towel into hot water, wring it out and compress it on the affected area. This method can also be repeated 3-4 times a day.
  • Take hot shower twice a day as it gently soothes the stiff neck muscles.
  • Move your neck slowly from side to side as if saying no and then again nod from front to in an affirmative motion. Keep breathing evenly and do this exercise twice daily. This will relax your wound-up muscles and improve circulation.

answered by D D

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