Increase Platelet Count Naturally

How to increase platelet count?

Platelets are basically the blood cells that are required by the body as they play a very important role in clotting. A low platelet count may pose a serious health risk as it may result in excessive bleeding at the time of an injury. Some of the causes of a low platelet count could be the use of certain medications, bacteria in the blood, pregnancy, autoimmune diseases etc.

To increase your platelet count naturally, you may:

  • Modify your diet to increase the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. In fact you can significantly improve your platelet count by increasing the intake of organic foods.
  • While consuming vegetables, ensure that you wash and cook them thoroughly as otherwise consumption of raw foods may result in a parasitic infection in your colon that will further lower the platelet count.
  • Alternatively, processed and refined foods, refined sugar and saturated fats should be drastically minimized from your diet.
  • The platelet count can be increased naturally by the intake of certain foods such as flax seed oils and cod liver oil as these foods tend to increase the level of haemoglobin which in turn helps in increasing the platelet count.
  • Platelet count can also be increased naturally by consuming foods that are rich in anti-oxidants such as cashew nuts, grapes, tomatoes and berries.
  • In addition to adopting a healthy diet, to increase your platelet count naturally, you should also ensure that you get adequate rest and sleep as this tends to build up the immunity levels.
  • If the low platelet count is on account of anaemia or liver cirrhosis, then you should consume citrus fruits, green gram, drumstick leaves, liver, egg yolk and fenugreek leaves as they help correcting these medical conditions and thereby result in the proper production of platelets.

answered by G R

Blood platelets in the blood are responsible for blood clotting to prevent excessive bleeding. A vitamin K or calcium deficiency would lead to clotting problems. The platelet count normal range in healthy individuals is between 150,000 and 450,000 per μl (microliter) of blood. A low platelet count can be extremely dangerous and excessive bleeding could prove fatal. Please note that excessive platelets in the body are also bad, since they lead to blood clotting in the vessels, causing stroke and other heart problems.

Anemia is one of the causes of low platelet count in the body. There are a number of commonly used drugs that can also reduce the platelet count in the body. The mosquito-borne disease called Dengue can lower the platelet count drastically. Chemotherapy, autoimmunity, and pregnancy are the other causes.

There are certain remedies you could opt for in order to increase your platelet count without going for excessive medical treatment.

  • Taking a vitamin C rich diet is beneficial to increase the platelet count naturally.Vitamin C supplements should also be taken along with a good diet.
  • If trying homeopathy, 30c crotalus horridus taken thrice daily can increase the platelet count.
  • The extract of papaya leaf can act as a natural tonic to increase platelet count naturally. Take two teaspoons of this extract twice a day.
  • The herb called goldenseal can be very useful for this condition.
  • Whole grain foods are beneficial. Foods that increase platelet count are whole wheat products, oats,and brown rice. Others include beetroots, red meat, apples, and bitter gourd. Eating green, leafy vegetables ensures that the body gets its dose of vitamins, calcium, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin K, promoting blood thickening.
  • It is believed that organic or fresh foods have more nutritional value, so they are beneficial. Avoid preservatives and food additives, as these increase free radicals in the body.

In spite of these home remedies to increase platelet count naturally, do regular blood tests to keep a tab on the platelet count.

answered by A S

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