What home remedies are suggested for upset stomach?

You have not mentioned what kind of stomach aches you suffer from. Do you get them regularly or are they infrequent? Also where exactly does your stomach hurt? Sometimes stomach aches are concentrated in one particular part of your abdomen. Often these are indicative of some other illness. Getting yourself checked by your doctor ensures that you do not ignore vital signs that could warn you about a potentially dangerous problem.

However, if it is a stomach ache caused by indigestion or problems like over eating, then you can try out these simple home remedies. Sometimes drinking some warm water helps rid the stomach of unwanted gasses and brings down the pain. If you are cramping, then you should lie down and hold a hot water bottle close to your stomach. The heat this gives is very comforting and helps the stomach.

Take a pinch of asafetida in the palm of your hand and add two drops of water to it. Apply this to your stomach especially around your belly button. You can go to bed with this on your stomach. Although it sounds and feels a little messy, this is an effective way to get rid of pain the stomach.

answered by G R

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