Muscle aches can't get any sleep wake up after a few hours sleep. Please help

Natural remedies to cure muscle aches
  • Take alternate hot and cold shower whenever you get muscle aches. Stand in a hot shower for 2 minutes and then run a cold shower for 30 seconds. Repeat this for around 6 to 7 times everyday till your aches last. Lactic acid causes muscle soreness and due to this hot and cold shower it is flushed out of the blood vessels when they open and close alternatively.
  • Get a body massage with olive oil, mustard oil or any body oil. Do this everyday if possible or at least thrice a week. This will increase blood circulation and relieve pain.
  • A few hours after a work out or any other strenuous activity, take a hot bath to soothe your muscles and increase blood circulation.
  • Fill a bath tub with chilled water and check it by dipping your ankle in it whether you can bear it. Slowly immerse in it and stay for not more than 3 to 4 minutes and then come out of the bath. This will sock your body and provide you relief from the aches.
  • Before doing any work out, warm up your body thoroughly so that the tendons and muscles gear up for further activities.
  • Sleep for 8 hours and eat a full and nutritious diet.
  • Exercise regularly and according to the needs of your body.
  • You can have over-the-counter medicines for instant relief.

answered by D D

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